
Salmon – Sea Trout – Grayling – Trout

Tyfos is directly opposite the Hendwr beat and is a left hand bank beat. There are slightly more trees on this side of the river, however certain areas will fish better from the this side. There are some very deep pools on this side of the river and Salmon anglers are often succesful fishing on this bank during lower water conditions.

This side is also very popular with those trotting for Grayling during the Winter months. The Tyfos beat is a mixed fishery and yields some extremely large Grayling and the odd large Brown Trout. During favourable conditions Salmon anglers also do well on this beat.

Permitted Species for this Beat:

Salmon – Sea Trout – Brown Trout – Grayling

Beat Rules – Hendwr and Tyfos

1) Members with the relevant permits and rod licences may fish for Salmon, Sea Trout, Brown Trout and Grayling.

2) No night fishing

3) Standard Club rules apply.

Access and Parking  – 

Beat Map

Beat Parking ///

Travelling from the direction of Llangollen on the A5 – Go through the town of Corwen and turn left onto the B4401 signposted Llandrillo directly opposite the green factory situated on the right – proceed on this road, go through the village of Cynwyd heading for Llandrillo. Enter the village of Llandrillo and proceed for approximately a quarter of a mile. Having negotiated 2 bends in the road you will come to a small stretch of straight road and after approximately 100 yards take the right turning shown below. Proceed over the river bridge until you come to a road junction – bear right here. Travel along this road for approximately one mile which is adjacent to the river and pass the large white house of Tyfos Farm on the left – proceed until you come to the ‘pull in’ pictured below. Once parked enter the field via the gate near the parking area and proceed across the field to the river.

Travelling towards Llangollen on the A5 – Heading for Corwen cross the A5 river bridge and take the first right onto the B4401 signposted Llandrillo directly opposite the green factory situated on the right – proceed on this road, go through the village of Cynwyd heading for Llandrillo. Enter the village of Llandrillo and proceed for approximately a quarter of a mile. Having negotiated 2 bends in the road you will come to a small stretch of straight road and after approximately 100 yards take the right turning shown below. Proceed over the river bridge until you come to a road junction – bear right here. Travel along this road for approximately one mile which is adjacent to the river and pass the large white house of Tyfos Farm on the left – proceed until you come to the ‘pull in’ pictured below. Once parked enter the field via the gate near the parking area and proceed across the field to the river.

Travelling on the B4401 from Bala direction – Travel along the B4401 and head for the village of Llandrillo. Approximately a quarter of a mile before the village you will come to a straight stretch of road and halfway down this stretch there is a left turning with a ‘Give Way’ sign and a small post box on each side of the junction as shown below – take this left turn. Proceed over the river bridge until you come to a road junction – bear right here. Travel along this road for approximately one mile which is adjacent to the river and pass the large white house of Tyfos Farm on the left – proceed until you come to the ‘pull in’ pictured below. Once parked enter the field via the gate near the parking area and proceed across the field to the river.