CADAC General Club Rules

General Rules

All members must familiarise themselves with the rules and beat maps prior to fishing. Particular attention should be paid to access points, parking and boundaries. Unfamiliarity with such details will not be accepted as a valid reason for transgression. It is the member’s responsibility to ensure that they fully understand all rules.

Failure to comply will unreservedly, without exception, result in immediate expulsion from the club with no reimbursement of fees paid. If in doubt contact your Membership Secretary.

1) It is a requirement that all new members must attend the Annual Open Day in order to familiarise themselves with access, parking and boundaries etc. Any member joining after the Open Day must attend the subsequent Open Day.

2) Club permits and EA rod licences must be carried and club permits must be produced when requested by club officials or any other club member.

3) Trout and Grayling anglers must give way to Salmon anglers at all times on all Club waters.

4) No anglers are to be accompanied by a dog.

5) Car badges must be displayed at all times when fishing Club Waters. 1 Car Badge per angler.

6) All gates are to be left as they were found. In the vast majority of instances, gates will be closed and members must close them after use. On occasions where gates are opened anglers must leave them open.

7)Members must only park in designated areas, not blocking gates or in fields without permission.

8) Bankside fires and camping are forbidden.

9) Members are to avoid damaging fences – using stiles or gates wherever possible.

10) Members fishing Club waters do so at their own risk. This also applies to the parking and access of vehicles when fishing.

11) Junior members under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

12) All members must adhere to National Resources Wales rules and bylaws – applicable to all Club waters.

13) No litter to be left anywhere especially at the waterside or in huts and car parks – this includes monofilament, empty spools etc.

14) Railways must be crossed at designated points and not used as footpaths.

15) Fishing is confined to Club boundary limits. The rules are clear and without exception. Members must not step above or below these boundaries. Casting towards the opposite bank in such cases where the fishing rights are not owned or rented by the Club is permitted. However, the angler’s standing position must not exceed halfway across the river from the CADAC bank. Members may fish towards the CADAC bank providing that they do not stand beyond halfway across the river from the CADAC bank.

16) Night fishing is not allowed on the majority of waters – see Beats and Sea Trout rule sections for exceptions. Fishing must cease each day one hour after ‘lighting up’ time and must not start until dawn.

17) Anglers may have 2 guests per season. Booking is through the Membership Secretary.

18) Anglers are permitted to take one brace per day. This limit applies to Sea Trout, Brown Trout and Grayling. This limit is not on a brace per day per species basis. It can be on a 2 of one species combination. For instance, the limit may consist of 2x Brown Trout only or 1x Grayling and 1x Sea Trout or any other combination provided that the total does not exceed 2 fish per day. See Individual Species rule for size limits.

Reporting – For both Salmon and Sea Trout:

Important: All salmon and sea trout catches must be reported within 7 days of capture. Please report catches by leaving a voice message on the following mobile phone voice mail for Paul Jones on –  07708147259

Please report the following details: Your name and CADAC Club membership number, salmon or sea trout, the beat, the date caught, the weight, method of capture, cock or hen, tagged or not, and in regard to sea trout whether the fish was kept or released.

Proven failure to report will result in dismissal from the Club.

2020 NRW Salmon and Sea Trout byelaws – River Dee and all tributaries.

An angler’s brief guide to the introduction of new salmon and sea trout byelaws River Dee

Salmon Rules

No Salmon are to be kept.
All Salmon must be released with minimum delay
Season: Dee and tributaries – all dates inclusive. 3rd March to 17th October.


3rd March to 31st May – Fly Only, Barbless Hooks – See Below.

1st June to 17th October – Fly or spin. Barbless Hooks – See Below.

1st September to 30th September – Fly and spin. Shrimp or Prawn. Barbless Hooks – See Below.

Worm fishing for Salmon is Not Allowed
All hooks must be barbless or de-barbed.

On artificial flies with a hook gape greater than 7mm, hooks are restricted to singles or doubles.

On artificial flies with a hook gape 7mm or less, trebles are permitted but flies are restricted to a maximum of two hooks with a total of four points between them.

No treble or double hooks are permitted on lures used for spinning.

Spinners and spoons can have only one single hook with a gape of 13mm or less.

Plugs can have a maximum of three single hooks, each with a gape of 13mm or less.

Shrimp and prawn fishing for salmon is allowed from the 1st September until 30th September with the use of a barbless, single treble hook with a gape of less than 7mm.

Sea Trout Rules

Season: Dee and Tributaries – all dates inclusive 20th March to 17th October.


20th March to 16th June – Fly only. Barbless Hooks – See Below.

1st June to 30th September – Fly, spin or worm. Barbless Hooks – See Below.

Worm fishing is only allowed for sea trout with a single worm using a single barbless hook with a gape less than 8mm.

1st October to 17th October – Fly or Spin. Barbless Hooks – See Below.

The minimum size limit for Sea Trout is 25cm.

All Sea Trout over 60cm to be released alive with minimum delay.
All hooks must be barbless or de-barbed.

On artificial flies with a hook gape greater than 7mm, hooks are restricted to singles or doubles.

On artificial flies with a hook gape 7mm or less, trebles are permitted but flies are restricted to a maximum of two hooks with a total of four points between them.

No treble or double hooks are permitted on lures used for spinning.

Spinners and spoons can have only one single hook with a gape of 13mm or less.

Plugs can have a maximum of three single hooks, each with a gape of 13mm or less.

Worm fishing is only allowed for sea trout with a single worm using a single barbless hook with a gape less than 8mm.

CADAC Rules – Species and Methods

This section outlines rules specific to individual species. These are in addition to the New NRW Salmon and Sea Trout byelaws. They are also addition to those detailed in ‘General Rules’.

Salmon Rules

Salmon Rules

No Salmon are to be kept.
All Salmon must be released with minimum delay
Season: Dee and tributaries – all dates inclusive. 3rd March to 17th October.


3rd March to 31st May – Fly Only, Barbless Hooks – See Below.

1st June to 17th October – Fly or spin. Barbless Hooks – See Below.

1st September to 30th September – Fly and spin. Shrimp or Prawn. Barbless Hooks – See Below.

Junction Beat: Shrimp or Prawn baits are NOT allowed on the Junction Beat.

Worm fishing for Salmon is Not Allowed


All hooks must be barbless or de-barbed.

On artificial flies with a hook gape greater than 7mm, hooks are restricted to singles or doubles.

On artificial flies with a hook gape 7mm or less, trebles are permitted but flies are restricted to a maximum of two hooks with a total of four points between them.

No treble or double hooks are permitted on lures used for spinning.

Spinners and spoons can have only one single hook with a gape of 13mm or less.

Plugs can have a maximum of three single hooks, each with a gape of 13mm or less.

Shrimp and prawn fishing for salmon is allowed from the 1st September until 30th September with the use of a barbless, single treble hook with a gape of less than 7mm.

Sea Trout Rules

Sea Trout Rules

1st June to 30th September – Fly, spin or worm (strictly no maggots).

In order to fish for Sea Trout, members are required to hold a Salmon permit and a migratory fish EA rod licence. Sea Trout caught by a trout permit/non migratory fish licence holder must be returned.

Sea Trout caught on Trewyn Trust waters must be returned even if the angler holds a migratory fish licence and Salmon permit.

The minimum size limit for Sea Trout is 25cm.  All sea trout greater than 60cm must be released with minimum injury and delay.

Members are permitted to take one brace (2 fish) per visit or any combination outlined in ‘General Rules’ section.

Night Fishing: Is allowed on a section of the Berwyn Arms Beat, on the whole of the St Davids Beat  The Long Reach  and on Coed yr Allt. Members are permitted to fish until 3am.

Sea Trout fishing at night is strictly ‘fly only’.

Junction Beat: Worming for Sea Trout is NOT allowed at the Junction Beat.

Brown Trout Rules

Welsh Dee Brown Trout

Brown Trout Rules

Season: Dee and tributaries – all dates inclusive 3rd March to 30th September.

Methods: Fly only on all waters except for Alwen and Ceirw. On these two tributaries members are permitted to fish a small worm either trotted or ledgered (strictly no maggots), the maximum permitted hook is size 12, the main line and hook length must not exceed 6lbs breaking strain. Spinning for Brown Trout is also allowed on these two tributaries, maximum hook size 12, 6lbs maximum main line. Fly anglers may use weighted nymphs up to size 8 with a maximum tippet of 6lbs, otherwise a maximum of size 12 fly with a 6lb tippet. The use of ‘indicators’ is permitted. If a fly is used as an indicator it may not exceed size 8.

The size limit for Brown Trout is 23cm. Members are permitted to take one brace (2 fish) per visit or any combination outlined in the General Rules section.

Grayling Rules

Welsh Dee Grayling

Grayling Rules

Season: Dee only – all dates are inclusive 16th June to 14th March.

Methods: 16th June to 17th October – Fly only. 18th October to 2nd March – Fly or ‘float trotted’ worm (strictly no maggots). 3rd March to 14th March – Fly only. When float trotting the maximum permitted hook is size 12 and the main line must not exceed 6lbs breaking strain. Fly anglers may use weighted nymphs up to size 8 with a maximum 6lb tippet. The use of indicators is permitted , if a fly is used as an indicator it may not exceed size 8.

The size limit for Grayling is between 30cm and 38cm Members are permitted to take one brace (2 fish) per visit or any combination outlined in the General Rules section.

Rules for Pike Fishing

Season: Dee only – all dates inclusive, 18th October to 2nd March
Methods: Strictly ‘dead bait’ only.