Winter Fishing Only - Pen y Bont


This is a Winter Grayling Beat and members may fish here from the 18th October to the 2nd March inclusive. It’s an extremely accessible Beat and starts above Carrog Bridge, directly below The Wharf, on the right hand bank (looking downstream) and extends beyond the bottom of St David’s Beat. On the opposite bank it starts directly below Carrog Bridge and finishes at the start of St. David’s Beat.

Permitted Species for this Beat:


This Beat is strictly ‘fly only’ and is limited to 4 CADAC anglers at any one time. In order to ensure that this is adhered to we have implemented a ‘sign in’ system here. Please read the following carefully to ensure that you fully understand the correct procedure before fishing this Beat.

On arrival at the Beat park in the area shown below.

Before fishing proceed through the gate at the bridge and walk through the first arch.

Go over the gate and you will see a peg system mounted on the wall to your right.

Remove a peg (one per angler) and ensure that this peg is replaced before you leave.

If on arrival there are 4 removed pegs then you are not permitted to fish.

Access and Parking  

Beat Map

What3words:  Beat Parking ///



Access from the A5  – take the B5437 towards Carrog, go over the railway bridge and proceed to the river bridge. Just before the river bridge, the parking area is on the right by the wall.

You may park in any of the St David’s car parks when fishing Pen y Bont however you must sign in prior to this and sign out as outlined above. If you decide to park at the top of St. Davids to access the left hand bank use the access point below.


You may park in any of the St David’s car parks when fishing Pen y Bont however you must sign in prior to this and sign out as outlined above. If you decide to park at the top of St. Davids to access the left hand bank use the access point below.