Caerwyn's Run

Salmon – Sea Trout – Grayling – Trout

This is one of the oldest CADAC beats and was formerly known as the ‘Council Run’ due to the fact that it was previously owned by the County Council. Not only has the name changed but the beat itself has altered dramatically over the years.

This beat offers great sport for all anglers and consists of a narrow channel with reasonably fast water which opens out into a smooth glide. Salmon anglers usually fish the top end of the Run whilst the bottom of the beat offers the Trout and Grayling angler some excellent nymph and dry fly fishing.


Permitted Species for this Beat:

Salmon – Sea Trout – Brown Trout – Grayling

Beat Rules – Caerwyn’s Run

1) Although primarily a Salmon beat, members with the relevant permits and rod licences may fish for Salmon, Sea Trout, Brown Trout and Grayling.

2) No night fishing.

3) Standard Club rules apply.

Access and Parking  

Beat Map

 Parking ///

Travelling from the direction of Llangollen on the A5 – In the centre of Corwen turn right at the statue of Owain Glyndwr and proceed for approximately 500 yards until you see the War Memorial Park directly in front of you. At this point bear left and proceed along the track for a short distance – park near the gates shown below.

Travelling towards Llangollen on the A5 – In the centre of Corwen turn left at the statue of Owain Glyndwr and follow above instructions.

Access from the A5104 – take the B5437 Corwen road and turn right opposite Leisure Centre/Swimming Pool. Proceed over the river bridge, pass the sports pavilion on your right and the parking area is directly ahead of you.

Do not under any circumstances park in the nursery car park.