1) Members with the relevant permits and rod licences may fish for Salmon, Sea Trout, Brown Trout and Grayling.
2) No night fishing
3) Standard Club rules apply.
1) Members with the relevant permits and rod licences may fish for Salmon, Sea Trout, Brown Trout and Grayling.
2) No night fishing
3) Standard Club rules apply.
1) Members with the relevant permits and rod licences may fish for Salmon, Sea Trout, Brown Trout and Grayling.
2) No night fishing
3) Standard Club rules apply.
Note: There is no access to this beat from Branas Isaf. Do not park at or access the river from there.
1) Members with the relevant permits and rod licences may fish for Salmon, Sea Trout, Brown Trout and Grayling.
2) No night fishing
3) Standard Club rules apply.
1) Members with the relevant permits and rod licences may fish for Salmon, Sea Trout, Brown Trout and Grayling.
2) No night fishing
3) Standard Club rules apply.
1) Although primarily a small Salmon beat, members with the relevant permits and rod licences may fish for Salmon, Sea Trout, Brown Trout and Grayling.
Note: This is a deep pool – no wading.
2) No night Fishing.
3) Standard Club rules apply.
1) This beat is Trout and Grayling fishing only – This beat is fly only throughout the year.
2) Night time fishing for Sea Trout until 3am is allowed on this beat. Sea Trout fishing at night is strictly ‘fly only’.
3) From 18th October until and including the 2nd March members may fish the Alwen Junction.
4) This beat is a recognised spawning area for Salmon and is subject to a ‘No Fishing’ policy during the spawning season. The area in question covers the whole of the river from the upper limit boundary to the A5 Bridge. This restriction is in place to protect the redds and is effective from 1st November to 31st January inclusive and does not apply to the area known as the Alwen Junction.
Note: Parking for this beat and to the Alwen Junction is by the A5 Bridge only. Access to the beat is via the public footpath from the A5 Bridge. Do not use any other parking or access other than these.
1) Although primarily a Salmon beat, members with the relevant permits and rod licences may fish for Salmon, Sea Trout, Brown Trout and Grayling.
2) No night fishing.
3) Standard Club rules apply.
1) Although primarily a Salmon Spinning Beat members with the relevant permits and rod licences may fish for Salmon, Sea Trout, Brown Trout and Grayling.
2) No night fishing.
3) Standard Club rules apply
1) Members with the relevant permits and rod licences may fish for Salmon, Sea Trout, Brown Trout and Grayling.
2) No night fishing.
3) This beat is restricted to 2 anglers only – irrespective of species fished for.
Note: The upper limit of this beat is clearly marked by a series of 3 white posts. When walking upstream along the water’s edge the posts are to the left in the adjacent field. There is also a red line on the stones leading from the post closest to the river to the river.
1) Members with the relevant permits and rod licences may fish for Salmon, Sea Trout, Brown Trout and Grayling.
2) No night fishing.
3) Angler and time restrictions do not apply to this part of the beat only.
1) Although primarily a small Salmon Spinning Beat, members with the relevant permits and rod licences may fish for Salmon, Sea Trout, Brown Trout and Grayling. Note: The majority of this beat consists of high banks and wading is not recommended.
2) No night fishing.
3) Standard Club rules apply.
1) Members with the relevant permits and rod licences may fish for Salmon, Sea Trout, Brown Trout and Grayling.
2) Night time fishing for Sea Trout until 3am is allowed on the whole of this beat. Sea Trout fishing at night is strictly ‘fly only’.
3) Standard Club rules apply.
1) Members with the relevant permits and rod licences may fish for Salmon, Sea Trout, Grayling and Brown Trout.
2) Eaton’s Reach, Whisky Pool, Signal Pool, Bridge Pool and all other areas of Berwyn are subject to standard club rules. This is a very popular beat and includes Tailor’s Pool. The area known as Tailor’s Pool is defined by two white marker posts. The upper limit is below Eaton’s Reach, whilst the lower limit is below the run heading out of the pool itself.
3) Night fishing for Sea Trout is allowed until 3am on a section of the Berwyn Arms Beat. Members are permitted to fish until 3am from and including Eaton’s Reach to the Signal Pool. Sea Trout fishing at night is strictly ‘fly only’.
4) The gate between Berwyn and Tailor’s hut must always be closed.
5) Members using the huts must take their litter home. The huts are amenities not dustbins.
1) Although primarily a Salmon beat, members with the relevant permits and rod licences may fish for Salmon, Sea Trout, Brown Trout and Grayling.
Note: This is a very small section of water and the return journey is fairly long and very steep.
2) No night fishing.
3) Standard Club rules apply.
1) Members with the relevant permits and rod licences may fish for Salmon, Seat Trout, Grayling and Brown Trout.
2) Members may fish for Sea Trout at night until 3am.
3) There is a 4 car maximum parking limit in the Halton Wood Top of Beat car park.
4) There is a 3 car maximum parking limit at the Bottom of the Beat.
5) Gates to be locked at all times.
6) Anglers who are members of both PAAS and CADAC to park in the relevant car parks as outlined here:
This water has been removed from our portfolio. It is NOT to be fished by club members.
Note: The rules outlined above are exhaustive and are not open to any other interpretation other than those detailed. Club members are required to adhere to them at all times. The committee reserves the right to change the rules at any time if it feels that such changes are in the best interest of the Club. The Committee would like to thank all Club members in advance for their cooperation.